Fueling Our Flame - UU Nashua 2020/21 Pledge

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"We are a welcoming community of faith, inspiring lives of wonder, generosity and courage, serving the world through love in action." These are the words of our mission statement. There are many things we want and things we need to live into our mission. Accomplishing this depends on your action to keep "Fueling Our Flame".

Your pledge for UUCN below is for July 1, 2020 - June 30, 3021. Sustaining Pledge Model: Your pledge will continue each year at this rate unless you opt out. We will contact you annually regarding your pledge. We understand circumstances can change and should that happen please contact the church office.
Please make tax deductible checks/gifts payable to:

            Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashua (or UUCN)
             58 Lowell Street
            Nashua, NH 03064

If you would like to make a monthly sustaining gift from your bank account or credit card you will need to input your information into our database, Breeze (uucn.breezechms.com). We encourage you to make your pledge using one of our automatic payment options via monthly bank withdrawl or credit card payment. For Donation of Appreciated Stock, Required Minimum Distribution, or Matching Gifts, please contact the church office.

Additionally, if you have any other questions please contact Vengerflutta Smith and Marie Jones at stew@uunashua.org

The Stewardship Team thanks you for Fueling Our Flame and for your continued support at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashua!

All the best,

The Stewardship Team


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