Covenant Group registration from 2021-2022

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We encourage you to be part of an Adult Faith Formation Covenant group this year!

Let us know which group or groups you would like to be part of and we will be in touch.
Covenant groups are one way to become involved and connected with fellow UU nashua adults! Each group meets monthly online or outside for one-two hours. Once our covid stage reached the yellow stage we will be hable to host inside again, but for this fall group will be asked to meet outside or online.

Our Covenant Groups are composed of 6-12 individuals who meet regularly. These groups are great places to get to know other people and to get to know yourself. Over time, participants build deep connections with one another, with the congregation, and with the sacred. Most groups explore the themes explored in worship each month, while other gather and explore specific topics decided by members.

Groups are facilitated by a TRAINED church member.

There are existing groups as well as potential new groups forming. If none of those are convenient we invite you to let us know your preferred day and time and we will work to get a new group formed!

Most Covenant groups ask for a commitment to the full set of sessions and one group our online 3rd Sunday group will be open for drop-in participants.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.


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