Faith Formation Registration (Returning Families 2019-2020)

Please fill out this form and click submit.
Welcome Back! Your family has previously enrolled your children/youth at UU Nashua!

We already have your family's contact information. Filling out this form will help us keep our records up to date, better support your child(ren) this year!

Please fill out this form to let us know of any updates, and if your child/youth will be doing any of our special programs.

Please know that anything you share here is kept in confidence by Church Staff including Director of Faith Formation, Sadie Kahn-Greene and Rev. Allison Palm and Faith Formation assistant, Ericka Lavalley and volunteers if it will be helpful for them to best support your child. However, if you would be more comfortable sharing in a person-to-person context and not online or in writing, we can make that arrangement, just email me to set up a time to talk. 

Here's a very high level of what to look forward to this year!

Workshop Choices for 1st-8th graders 10am-11:15am - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays!
Our Whole Lives for 7th-9th graders 1st-2nd Sundays 9:30-12:30 (Oct-Apr)!
All Ages Worship Service 10am-11am every 4th Sundays of the month Oct-May!
High School Youth Ministry Events: 3 Teen Pride Dances (Oct, Feb & Mar.), Monthly youth group events with advisors, and opportunities for leadership in youth group, Sunday morning worship and faith formation classes!
Monthly UU Hike and Nature Walks for all ages!
And so much more!

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Family Involvement and Volunteering

Our faith formation program is made possible by shared leadership between staff and volunteers. There are many ways to connect and engage with our faith formation program even for our busiest families!

If you already know where you'd like to volunteer or if you would like a follow-up phone call to learn more please let us know below.


Please fill out this form and click submit.