UU Nashua UUA General Assembly Interest form!
Please fill out this form and click submit.
We are eager to learn more from those interested in going to our UUA General Assembly this June in Baltimore!
This address will receive a confirmation email
Are you planning to attend GA in Baltimore?
Please select all that apply.
Definitely Going!
Interested but still thinking about it!
Just Curious!
I plan to attend ONLINE - and not travel to Baltimore
Is anyone planning on joining you? please share their name(s)
Would you like to be considered as a congregational delegate?
Please select all that apply.
Yes please
no thank you
If needed
I would like to know more about what this means
Do you want to travel with others?
Please select all that apply.
I am interested in carpooling to Baltimore
Traveling with others on plane or train
I can drive
I would need a ride for carpooling
I plan to travel on my own.
Additional thoughts about travel?
Lodging Questions
Please select all that apply.
I would like to share a room with a UU Nashua roommate
I am getting my own lodging
Additional thoughts about lodging?
Would you like financial assistance?
Additional thoughts about financial assistance
Do you have any additional questions/need anything from us as you prepare?
Please fill out this form and click submit.
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