Thank you for thinking about how you can support faith formation during our 2019-2020 church year!
Below you will find more info about how our volunteering & workshop leaders and roles are changing for this year to offer better support for our volunteers as well as information about the new faith formation associate role!
I'd love to know what you think and see how we can work together to build a great program for next year!
Thank you!
Sadie Kahn-Greene
Director of Faith Formation
2019-2020 Volunteering Opportunities:
- Faith Formation Associates: (like our worship associates…but for faith formation!) This team of associates will meet once a month with Director of Faith Formation to prepare for the next round of monthly workshops, recruit and confirm workshop leaders, and craft engaging workshops. Faith Formation Associates may also choose to lead workshops as well as part of their role.
- Workshop Leaders: work with Faith Formation Associates and the Director of Faith Formation to craft ONE 45-minute workshop for children in 1st-6th grade that choose the workshop. They will c0-lead for three Sundays in a row with a fellow volunteer.
- Floaters and Substitutes: volunteers serve as assistants and go where the participation is highest on a particular morning or help as a substitute co-leader if needed.
- Rovers: provide supervision in the hallways by the entrances when faith formation in is session, greets latecomers as needed, supports teachers in need assistance and contacts Sadie and church leaders if there is an emergency.
- Pre K & Kindergarten Teachers: volunteer with a team of 4-5 teachers to co-teach classes that provides a welcoming introduction to faith formation with stories, circle time, sharing, crafts and snacks. This class will be similar to that Chalice Children class that was offered this year.
- Middle School & High School "youth focus” leaders: volunteers who will work together as a team with Sadie to craft and provide content and experiences for UU nashua youth. Some events will look like a traditional youth group model, others can be classes, or service projects or field trips.
Workshops Choices
Aligned with our core values and explore the theme of the month in a variety of engaging ways!
Wonder Workshop - Where we ask "How?" and say "Wow". Projects will vary each month & can explore spiritual practices to make space for reflection through exploring art, nature, and science.
Love in Action - Each month will be a new hands-on service project for children to work on ways to support our church local community and our wider world.
Courageous Community - Will be active games and movement activities where children will work together, collaborate and build community.
Authentic Connections - (Jr. Worship Associates) Projects will connect children to each other and our Unitarian Universalist worship practices. Children will write poetry, chalice lighting, sing songs and practice skits and plays that can be part of our monthly All Ages worship services held on the 4th Sunday each month.