2025 UU Nashua Child Dedication Information

April 20, 10am | One of the traditions in Unitarian Universalism is to dedicate children to a congregational community. A dedication is a little different than a baptism because we believe that children are born with original blessing, rather than original sin. Because of this, our child dedication is focused on blessing and commitment. We bless children to remind them and us of that original blessing of their life and their inherent worth and beauty. We also offer them blessings or wishes for their life. The commitment piece is about a commitment on the part of a family to raise their children in community, and a commitment on the part of the congregation to support the child and the family as the child grows. 

This year, our Child Dedication is on Easter, April 20 during the Sunday morning service.
We are excited to formally welcome your child into our congregation with our Child Dedication Ceremony on April 20! By sharing this information below it will help us shape the Child Dedication to your particular desires. If you are having more than one child dedicated, please fill out a separate form for each child.
Please select one option.
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April 20, 10am
One of the traditions in Unitarian Universalism is to dedicate children to a congregational community. A dedication is a little different than a baptism because we believe that children are born with original blessing, rather than original sin. Because of this, our child dedication is focused on blessing and commitment. We bless children to remind them and us of that original blessing of their life and their inherent worth and beauty. We also offer them blessings or wishes for their life. The commitment piece is about a commitment on the part of a family to raise their children in community, and a commitment on the part of the congregation to support the child and the family as the child grows. 

This year, our Child Dedication is on Easter, April 20 during the Sunday morning service.