Leadership Summit: Create Your UU Elevator Speech Sign-Up Form

Saturday, January 28th 9:30a-1:30p | On an elevator ride, when someone asks you “what is Unitarian Universalism?” you only have a short time to make a meaningful statement! Learn to express what Unitarian Universalism means to you at this workshop.

By lunch time, you’ll have a short speech about Unitarian Universalism to share with family, colleagues and volunteer or activist roles.

The workshop will take place in-person only in Parish House. Lunch will be served, please note your dietary needs on the sign-up form.

The Parish House is accessible via the front entrance on Lowell St (steps and street parking) or via the parking lot on Grove Street (ramp and accessible parking spaces).

Masks are recommended during workshop. Lunch will be served in the Dining Room. Options to eat in the dining room or take your lunch to a space with fewer people gathered.

Facilitator: Caro Barschow, Ministerial Intern. Questions? Contact internminister@uunashua.org
Please select all that apply.


Saturday, January 28th 9:30a-1:30p
On an elevator ride, when someone asks you “what is Unitarian Universalism?” you only have a short time to make a meaningful statement! Learn to express what Unitarian Universalism means to you at this workshop.

By lunch time, you’ll have a short speech about Unitarian Universalism to share with family, colleagues and volunteer or activist roles.

The workshop will take place in-person only in Parish House. Lunch will be served, please note your dietary needs on the sign-up form.

The Parish House is accessible via the front entrance on Lowell St (steps and street parking) or via the parking lot on Grove Street (ramp and accessible parking spaces).

Masks are recommended during workshop. Lunch will be served in the Dining Room. Options to eat in the dining room or take your lunch to a space with fewer people gathered.

Facilitator: Caro Barschow, Ministerial Intern. Questions? Contact internminister@uunashua.org