We are thrilled to have so many interested in joining our UU Nashua Summer camping trip!
Please sign up by Friday, Aug. 2nd!
We will be at Pawtuckaway State Park!
Friday Aug. 23rd - Sunday Aug. 24th
(with an option for some to stay late on Sunday or until monday morning)
We have reserved 6 (6 person) campsites in one section of the park. And we still have room for more to join in these sites!
We have also reserved the 4 group sites in another section of the park which we already filled up! All are welcome to join us during the day and for a Sunday morning worship service.
Our amazing kids bake sale & lemonade stand helps raise $651 to offset this cost of our campsites and allowing us to offer a reduced camping rate for everyone!
If you want to pay here please select the full or reduced rate in the drop down menu below. You may need to click on the option once or twice and then another box shows up where you can add the total ammount for your group. If you put in the dollar ammount to that box. ($40) or ($80) for example, than credit card information request will appear at the bottom of the form.
We will be in touch as we get closer and we plan the weekend!
We will have a shared google spreadsheet to share what food/meals we will bring to share as well as materials, gear and activities!
We look forward to camping together with UU Nashua!
This is a UU Nashua sponsored event, so we will be following our safe congregation policy to keep our children and everyone safe!