Every 3rd Tuesdays from 7-9 pm
The First Gathering will be Nov. 19th
In the Youth Room - 2nd floor of our Parish House
This class is this year's evening program sponsored by our Racial Justice Study Group.
Co-led by Jodie Holway, Jess Woods and Sadie Kahn-Greene and open to all interested members and friends of UU Nashua who sign up and wish to participate in this on-going program.
If we have enough members (at least 10) who Sign up we will bring this full program to UU Nashua this year!
"Building the World We Dream About" supports Unitarian Universalists and our congregation to build the multicultural world of
beloved community we dream about by cultivating participants’ knowledge, skills, and capacity to address issues related to race, ethnicity, and cultural identity as individuals and congregations.
Workshops 1-4 offer participants practice in understanding how perspectives are shaped by life experience and by racial and ethnic identity, and introduce protocols and practices that support multicultural sharing.
Workshops 5-10 introduce the concept of "White privilege" and explore its manifestations in individual, congregational, and community contexts.
For More Info you can review the curriculum online here: